
All original songs true stories and sweetest harmonies

Ian Barker Unplugged

...played at Taree Agricultural Fair 1999 Stage managed by Mr Rob Meaton for 2BOBfm Joined by Jen C for Chinese New Year 2000

Spring Carnival 1999 in Elands NSW

...Ian and crew Angelika Booth ex touring bass Anne Kirkpatrick drummer Cliff Spy v Spy and Marie Garter Snakes rock the Soldiers Memorial Hall

Autumn 2000 relocating to Amsterdam...

...Ian and Jen join a house of street performers including Irish Wonder Boy Liam McEvoy - Amp up for cabaret club Cafe de Buurvroow and renowned trance dance house ELF...

...final ELF event draws 2000 dance mad dames and herens -- party reviews at <www.goatrance.nl>

Jenny C

Ian Barker

Amsterdam -- Sony (Wonderland) Plaza with drummer Geert Sluyter. fathermotherchild play the outdoor stage at Rijkshemelvaart.

Invited to close 3 day poetry festival at Ruigoord - broadcast on Amsterdam Radio 100. Also big top extravaganza Land Jewel.

On to the Northern Territory with a Soho Square - Denmark Street Studios - CD.
"I love it" says the stage manager for Mindil Beach Sunset Market and so home.

Browns Mart -- Northern Territory University and Radio Larrakia 94.5. Joined now by Danna Stevenson -- viola -- for two fabulous shows at Nightcliff Market and Martin Campbell -- Adlibido -- on keyboards.


email tofathermotherchild@hotmail.com

snail to C
/o Ian Barker, Darwin GPO, NT. 0801

: 0438 - 175 - 283
