Rally Against NT Drug laws

12 Noon - Raintree Park - Saturday 20 April
Live Band - fathermotherchild

"The ceremonial use of incense in contemporary ritual is most likely a relic of the time when the psychoactive properties of incense brought the ancient worshipper in touch with supernatural forces."
- Encyclopedia Britannica: "Pharmacological Cults" -

Join us for a community session in Raintree Park where we can share a joint and demonstrate how absurd the Labor Government Government's Drug House Laws really are. Stay tuned for the rally/concert/dance party being organized for the 8th of May outside parliament house.
[Organized by the Network Against Prohibition] - - (0415 16 2525)

"Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny" - Edmund Burke

Image - "Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana" - www. cannabisculture. com
- Poster PARIAH Productions -

CD Cover Art

